Tourism Business

GUARANTEES traveler SAFETY & Security

Safe tourist destination

The Destination Tourist Standard is intended for cities and other tourist destinations, detailing the responsibilities of public authorities, the standards of private enterprise and the control and assistance for Brazilian and foreign tourists.

Safe hotel

The Safe Hotel Standard details the actions that should be taken by hotels to ensure the safety of the guest, focusing on procedures, training and technology to be used, as well as information security and fire fighting.

Safe tourist attraction

The Safe Attraction Standard is intended for natural attractions, museums, amusement parks and water parks among other places that receive a lot of tourists. Whether the attraction is open or closed, it is important to ensure access control, as well as control of the visiting area, to enable the attraction staff and to communicate the tourist clearly about risks.

Safe Tour operator

Tour operators and travel agencies have a direct responsibility for the entire journey sold to the traveler, whether for leisure or work. The standard details the importance of staying current on risks that may affect the traveler, ensuring that partners offered to the traveler work safely to maintain 24x7 emergency support for the traveler in different languages.

Safe Event

The Safe Event standard is for large events, and focuses on the three phases: the Pre Event, during the Event, and the Post Event. Much is devoted to preparation including capacity building, working with the government, de fi ning responsibility and audits, and simulations prior to the Event.

Safe Restaurante 

It is very important that the attraction knows how to protect the tourist through access control and perimeter control of the area visited and training of its staff.